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If you cannot find the answer to your question here on our Frequently Asked Questions page, please contact us directly.
How do I place an order? Visit our 'Shop' page, click on the product you like, determine quantity, and pay for your order through Pay Pal.
Is my payment information safe? PayPal, a company that provides safe, fast and easy online transactions, handles your payment information.
I want to order a large quantity of Peel Ripe Loops, how do I do it? If you are a retailer wanting to carry Avoloop products, please contact us directly.
How long does it take to get my Peel Ripe Loop after I have placed my order? Orders are typically filled within 24 hours. Standard first-class shipping within the U.S. takes 3-5 business days. Please contact us directly if you need a quicker shipping option.
Do you ship internationally? Yes, we do!
How much are shipping costs? Shipping costs vary country-to-country. When you place your order your shipping costs will be calculated for you.
My Avoloop
How do I clean my Peel Ripe Loop? Simply wipe loop clean with a soapy dishcloth.
My Peel Ripe Loop doesn’t work, what do I do? The first step is to make sure that the produce you are working with is ripe. If it is not ripe it will not separate from its peel, rind, or skin, and you should not be eating it raw. The second step is to watch our instructional video and make sure that you are using your Peel Ripe Loop correctly. You can always contact us directly with your questions or concerns.
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